Iva Burešová PhD
Associate professor
Tomas Bata University in ZlínFaculty of Technology
Department of Food Technology
Růmy 4046
760 01 Zlín
Czech Republic
phone: +420 576 033 333buresova@ft.utb.cz
Iva Burešová on the TBU website
I am a physics graduate of Palacký University Olomouc, Faculty of Science. The thesis was named The methods of evaluation of rheological characteristics of gluten-free dough.
I obtained my PhD at Mendel University in Brno. The doctoral thesis focused on The evaluation of qualitative parameters of triticale grain for baking and distilling uses.
I have 15 year long experience in scientific fields regarding the factors impacting quality of cereals and gluten-free bread.
I am the author and co-author (ResearchID B-8861-2012) of more than 20 articles in journals with impact factors.